I've explained all of these wonderful stories to you and I feel that no one is getting anything from it. Allow me to explain
Part 1- The multiverse theory
The theory states that there is an infinite number of universes coexisting on parallel dimensional planes. In each universe the reality is different from our own, sometimes minimally sometimes quite radically. In other words, every possible eventuality exists.
Part 2- It so begins
I feel that the influences that a kid has seen thought his childhood will keep those with him the rest of his/her life. For my example, when I was a wee lad, I had no friends...Well no real friends to speak of. My friends included Mario, Luigi, Samus, Glitch, and Captain Sirrus from Mechassault. Those were my friends, I always had them with me. It's like the reason people like me would go to a comicon or game convention. As they were my child life heroes then I still feel as if I look up to them.
Part 3- Mario
I began playing video games on my dad's N64 when I was just 4. Billy Ray and Diamond would always beat me in Mario Kart. I as well played on my gameboy color, which was the apple of my gaming eye. Being able to play Super Mario Deluxe Mobile was wonderful for me. I then received a gameboy advance SP when I was six. My sister had one and I was always jealous that I couldn't play super mario world on my gameboy.
Part 4- Samus
As soon as I got my Advance SP, I was playing metroid fusion nostop. It was my favorite game, however, I always got stuck in parts of it. My parents paid attention to my love of this game and bought me a Gamecube when I was eight. The first two games I got were Sonic mega collection, Sonic DX director's cut, Metroid Prime, and Star Fox Assault. I could never get past the first boss in Metriod Prime, so I gave away, and so ends Metroid, and a transition, once I lost Metriod Fusion. But not before adopting my first character, modeled after the SA-X. SA-XDelta.
Part 5- Starfox
The most played game I ever had, until I gave it to my friend, as I could not best Apparoid infected Corneria. I was disappointed by my lack of talent of that game, and gave it away.
Part 6- Metal Arms- Glitch in the System
My dad let me play on his original Xbox, this was one of my favorite multiplayer games growing up. My friends would always try to come over and go toe to toe with me in my best game. The only one who could beat me was Diamond.
Part 7- Spyhunter
Not the Original one, even though that was fun, I've been playing the Xbox spyhunter for years. I've beaten the campaign about three times. This game was one of the pinnacle of my childhood.
Part 8- MechAssault
Still, another multiplayer favorite for the original Xbox. It took me long enough to beat the first one on easy, and I'm on Elite on MechAssault 2. No one can best me at this game now. The complex characters and storyline were everything I could ever want in a game.
Part 9- Halo
First FPS I ever played. I was always born and bred console gamer. Halo captured my need for a serious shooter. Diamond still can best me at this. Except when I'm tired. I love SWAT as well. Headshot...Headshot...Headshot. The first mainstream shooter I ever played was Halo. This love rained supreme for quite a while
Part 10- Metroid Revisited
Nostalgia kicked in when I was twelve and I was curious about what games I used to play in the past. Therefore, I revisited Metroid Fusion using YouTube. I looked everywhere for it. Until I got the Metroid Prime trilogy for Christmas. I had doubts when I first played, but motion controls made the game so much easier. I completed the campaign several times. New influences led me to revisit old memories
Part 11- Star Fox Revisited
Once again nostalgia had struck me in the head as I then looked up a let's play for Star Fox Assault. Once again, I've felt myself like a child. I could care less how it made me feel. Believe it or not, people think Star Fox is pretty BA. That made me feel so much better. I am proud to call myself a nerd. Normally, I despise F-bombs that are not included in songs on the interwebs but if you hate on the nerds. Fickest du. Yes I speak German.
Part 12- Naruto
The thing that got me started with fanfiction is that Diamond and I had found ourselves a Naruto craze. Her and I were at constant war of whoever knew more about the particular genre. My sister and her friends shunned me for always performing crossovers. I could care less at this point. I enjoy what I do. I soon found I could never win the war with conventional means of just one verse, so I decided to put all of my strengths together.
Part 13- Putting the character together.
Colt Mason has come a long way. First he started as SA-X Delta, second of the SA-X series. He is perfectly aware of his potential and decided to destroy those who didn't and was chasing the SA-X original. His sister was the SA-X Alpha, the main leader of the X parasite race. This altered slightly when sonic came into the verse. My friends and sister loved to role play. I'd normally get killed several times. I was quite frustrated with my failures so when Naruto entered the verse, I made some changes. The name was Del-ti. The character didn't last long, not more than three years. The character became semi-human with a metal exoskeleton like a terminator. The character quickly changed to Kikai Uchiha. The name that was carried on my first post ever on this blog. I have not written on that post in years. It makes me wonder how much I've changed. Now, I have a fully developed character. He can change form depending on the universe he travels to. In Sonic's zone, Colt Mason is a husky. In Lylat, he's a husky. In almost every other verse, he's human.
Part 14- Allys to Colt
Colt has many friends over many battles. Many include main protagonists of several of the games listed above. Others include influences from certain YouTube channels. As in Dreamscape Avenged and Real Life Battlefield. I included lesser known YouTubers such as DooM49 and Kainon16, now Armegeddonkaossoul. As well I included BaltisMC as an ally of mine. As well in Dreamscape Avenged is famous gamer Pewdiepie. Later on when I complete a chapter about Fatal Frame, I was planning on inserting Cry into the picture. I figure that I include starting my horror or haunted games experiences and have the haunted games destroyed.
Part 15- Survival Horror games
When Slender made it's leap to meme hood, I was inducted into a new topic. Normally I despise horror and haunts but this new idea of being scarred for fun was a new concept to me. Until I figured out it wasn't. I first watched an older season of my favorite YouTube show, Machinima's Ten FTW. Back then Steve Here And Larson wern't hosting the show. Some guy with either the creepiest voice I ever heard or a guy with a great auto tune did the show. It was a Machinima Halloween special. I remember the list like it was the back of my hand.
Ten- The Condemned series
Nine- The Fear Series
Eight- The Aliens series
Seven- The Resident Evil Series
Six-Doom 3
Five-Clive Barker's: Undying
Four- Siren: Bloodcurse
Three-The Silent Hill series
Two- Dead Space
One- The fatal frame series
It made me a nervous wreck.
Part 16- Haunted games and consoles
I started to really get into the survival horror series so much that I began to go on Creepypasta. At this point, I dropped the survival horror genre entirely. More of a nervous wreck. What! You want a list? here it goes.
Pokémon black bootleg
The SCP foundation
Looking any of these up will make you a nervous wreck. You will not sleep, your childhood will be ruined, that's when I decided to give Colt an M60E4 and a type-99 LMG and let him tear this S*** up.
Part 17- Defeating the fears
Allowing my now testosterone-filled character to run a rampage through the fears department of my mind, I can sleep much better now. Colt and his team tore a new ass in my fears. All it took was a Doomguy more. As well as a BFG-9000. Fears linger there somewhere, but I've soon gotten over them.
Part 18- Bioshock: Infinite
This game by 2K is now the centerpiece of Mason. While military testing has torn out his organs and made him half of a machine, an old technology recovered from the depths of the oceans by Madame and Monsieur Lutiece allowed Colt this ability. Sure, him and Elizabeth had crossed paths on the walks around the lightposts, and I'm sure there are others in the universe like us, but until then, Colt and Elizabeth are the only two in the multiverse. This is also how he managed to reach Cooper.
Part 19- Sly Cooper
More recent this was discovered, Mason ventured to help the master thief in his journeys across the lands, assisting not only in heists but to help Cooper learn how to think rationally. I know, pretty deep for Cooper, but he needed someone to mentally dissect him. Contessa was too much of a bitch to do it and Clockwerk is dead. It was up to Colt. But Colt seeks in bringing out different sides of Cooper, seeing how prideful he is, he needs to inform him that he is not invulnerable. A quote I've been planning to say to Cooper in Sly Cooper: GO was Colt informing Sly about the logic behind killing an enemy. "Killing one person may save the lives of several others."
Part 20- Five Nights at Freddy's (DAMN IT!)
Just as I could sleep again, this brown animatronic bastard decided to ruin my sleeping schedule. I'm still looking for a solution to this problem... Any suggestions men?