- It's detective McClain, asshole (John McClain, Live Free, Die Hard)
- Why? Having fun? (Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
- You're not the only one with a gun, bitch. (Trudy, Avatar)
- You are the dumbest, smart person I've ever met in my life! (Detective Spooner, IRobot)
- Hasta La Vista, baby. (The T1000, Terminator 2, Judgement day)
- Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Gone with the Wind)
- Time to prove that Homer Simpson has Cahonies. (Homer Simpson, The Simpsons Movie)
- Don't eat more than four or you'll never poop for a week. (Jake, Two and a Half Men)
- And I do the Cha Cha like a sissy girl. (Evan Backster, Bruce Almighty)
- David! Get up will ya? You look like the poster boy for birth control. (Thorton Mellon, Back to School)
- There's an arrow in your butt! (Princess Fiona, Shrek)
- I'm sure a nice BM is the perfect soltion for marridge problems. (Donkey, Shrek 2)
- Well you get in there, and KICK THAT FISH'S ASS! (Joe Swanson, Family Guy)
- Even among misfits, you're misfits. (Yukon Cornelius, Rudolph the Red-Nossed Reindeer)
- Move your bum ass out of your momma's home. (Agent J, Men In Black 2)
- Get em' in one minuet sweetie... two minuets. (Agent J, Men In Black 2)
- The best part about kids, is makin' em'. (Thorton Mellon, Back to School)
- F*** you Mr. Stark, F*** you buddy. (Sentaor, Iron Man II)
19. Tens of thousands of people get killed by cars every year, that's only like four more. (John McClain, Live Free, Die Hard)