Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some of the best movie lines

  1. It's detective McClain, asshole (John McClain, Live Free, Die Hard)
  2. Why? Having fun? (Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
  3. You're not the only one with a gun, bitch. (Trudy, Avatar)
  4. You are the dumbest, smart person I've ever met in my life! (Detective Spooner, IRobot)
  5. Hasta La Vista, baby. (The T1000, Terminator 2, Judgement day)
  6. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Gone with the Wind)
  7. Time to prove that Homer Simpson has Cahonies. (Homer Simpson, The Simpsons Movie)
  8. Don't eat more than four or you'll never poop for a week. (Jake, Two and a Half Men)
  9. And I do the Cha Cha like a sissy girl. (Evan Backster, Bruce Almighty)
  10. David! Get up will ya? You look like the poster boy for birth control. (Thorton Mellon, Back to School)
  11. There's an arrow in your butt! (Princess Fiona, Shrek)
  12. I'm sure a nice BM is the perfect soltion for marridge problems. (Donkey, Shrek 2)
  13. Well you get in there, and KICK THAT FISH'S ASS! (Joe Swanson, Family Guy)
  14. Even among misfits, you're misfits. (Yukon Cornelius, Rudolph the Red-Nossed Reindeer)
  15. Move your bum ass out of your momma's home. (Agent J, Men In Black 2)
  16. Get em' in one minuet sweetie... two minuets. (Agent J, Men In Black 2)
  17. The best part about kids, is makin' em'. (Thorton Mellon, Back to School)
  18. F*** you Mr. Stark, F*** you buddy. (Sentaor, Iron Man II)
And My personal favorite

  19.   Tens of thousands of people get killed by cars every year, that's only like four more. (John McClain, Live Free, Die Hard)

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