Saturday, November 22, 2014

I've figured something out.

I've figured something out.
I actually am learning.  I am currently cognitively rewiring my brain to think on a deeper psychological spectrum.  All because of one phrase.  "Have a weekend."  First uttered to me by my AP language teacher, I took about six hours out of my day excluding math class which I still was subliminally questioning how the phrase meant when I finally stepped back into my AP language classroom today.  It is well known to most teenagers my age have a cognitive sense that the weekend means a number of good things happening for them.  Firstly, they are not required on any standpoint to wake up early.  Secondly, the weekend is amazingly unpredictable to the point where anything can happen and anything else becomes possible.  Thirdly, the only possible way to have a bad weekend is if there is a drastic change in activity that leaves someone in the family either deceased or heartbroken in some way shape or form.  Even so, the event is still disregarded for the fact that any troubles that  may or may not have occurred over the weekend can be disregarded in lieu of attempting even in some minuscule scale to improve your weekend.  This is where the "bright side" comes into play.  A relative you were very close to passed away?  Fine, at least you get to visit all of the relatives you may or may not have known you have.  Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner broke up with you?  No problem, that just means you're free from them.  You're single again, go out to dinner with your friends and have fun.  All of this effort in order to come back to school on Monday after the weekend is through and say to all of your friends that you 'had a good weekend'.  That's another thing, the fact that my AP language teacher only said "have a weekend" and left out the adjective that acted as a sentence modifier simply suggested an arbitrary meaning to the subject of the sentence.  The subject being the student's weekend.  The arbitrary meaning that goes along with the signifier of the student when it comes to the subliminal meaning that accompanies the term "weekend" can be counted alongside the basic of pleasure that assist the inherent goodness that comes along with the arbitrary meaning of the word "weekend."  It's a metaphoric arbitrary meaning passed along into one simple phrase that saves a lot of air.  Simply by leaving out the word "good".  Your weekend doesn't need to be good, it just turns out that way...
What the hell just happened?
P.S. If you're wondering what neuroplasticity is.  It is basically the brain's ability to rewire itself for different cognitive function.  The brain has a limited amount of neurons to connect to.  And after extended disuse, the neurons in that disused section begins to fade, those neurons left with nothing better to do find something else that is enduring extended use in order to better lengthen the function of the section of the brain with the most use, making it stronger and therefore; more powerful.  Video Games, for instance, strengthen the brain's attention to subtle details, decrypting stories inside stories in order to manipulate false narratives or at least narratives some of us would believe to be true, or solving puzzles, as well as building basic motor reflex.

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