Saturday, December 17, 2011

And you can forget becoming an astronaut...

If you must know, I blame the U.S. Government for the loss of our beloved space program,
  1. President Obama has allowed the people in congress to spend twice as much money as we are currently making
  2. The government has been busy trying to help out other countries and letting us all go to waist
  3. Without a space program, we will not be able to try to explore other worlds in order for us to move on to another planet when we destroy this one
  4. Hell, we're already in such bad shape! You'd think the rich people would notice this.
Bottom Line
If we did have a space program, watch the movie 2012, and you can see what this world is comming to. (By the way, the world does not end on this comming year, just the Mayan calendar.)

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